Recently during Anna Hazare's fast one debate that raged-on was - who is supreme? Is the parliament or the people? Whereas most political leaders were of the opinion that the parliament is supreme but the Anna's camp was very clear that the people were supreme. The supporting argument from Anna's camp was that people created the constitution, the constitution created the parliament and the parliament created parliamentarians. The creator is always greater than the creation, hence the people are supreme. I kind of buy into this argument. However is this what happens on the ground? I seriously doubt. How many times you believed that happens in reality? The concept that the government is of the people, by the people and for the people remains an utopic dream. This is what I call the pseudo-flat organization syndrome.
The pseudo-Flat Organization syndrome exists in many organizations too. Here is a simple test to find out whether your organization suffers from this syndrome. Have you felt the concept of freedom,. empowerment in your organization is only on the paper and a mere rhetoric? Have you felt helpless at decisions being taken in your organization? Have you felt that speaking your mind could be injurious to your health? If the answer to all these questions is yes, then your organization also suffers from this syndrome.
Such organizations may reap cash profits in the short-run, if the demand outpaces the supply in the industry in which they operate. However their long-term sustainability is seriously questionable. Only a cultural transformation and a 360 degree mindset change can cure the syndrome.
I still believe that in this country parliament is supreme than people. Anna hazare was fighting against corruption and the parliament accepted it but what ultimately happened!!! did the parliament implemented anything anywhere against the corruption!! The answer is a big NO. Did corruption vanish.. the answer is No.So where is people being considered as supreme.
All most all Organisations have employee suggestions many are actually implemented in the bureaucratic environment!!! Ultimately an organisation accepts those suggestion which they think is feasible!! So are employees considered supreme.. the answer is NO..
Dear Dev,
I believe that the seeds of doubt that Anna's movement have sown (in the minds of people) is far greater than the crop that has been reaped.
A country and similarly an organization can be mediocre by doing things in a manner that suits dark ages, however if it wants to run and fly, then it has to believe in its people. That is the definition of truly great.
Mediocres shall not complete the race and even if they do, they shall finish last.
The choice is open...
Well, the greatest trick ever pulled by the devil is to make people believe he didn't exist. Same in case of corruption and corrupted governments. I strongly represent the fact that the democracy of our country is yet a child and still needs to evolve through time and experiences. Since, there is no other peaceful alternative to run governments and nations, parliamentary system finds it way to address the needs of nation. The failure of the system indicates the failure of the model which is adopted. Who would adopt deficit financing for a country like India against the clock after independence? The elected enjoys the chair for half a decade with no referendums or plebiscitary elections in the interim in a people's government.
Apparently, the comparison of a democratic government to a business organization is merely a perspective but not analogy, although acknowledging the fact that both represent enterprises. In democracy, even the scum of the planet has the right to exist, often contradicts to a typical "work oriented and target driven" capitalistic views. When Cricket has a board comprising the patriarchs of the sport to select a 15 member squad, how should a country elect its leaders ?? With age or with intellect ?
" Political equality in our country is an incentive of democracy to kill democracy, sometimes even common sense". Dr. Debashish's wisdom is equated with a drunkards ignorance while choosing the governments. (Fair enough reason for having 60 years of political stability). The efforts of the elected representatives must be applauded and recognized in retaining this "sustained decaying governance". The best revenue model ever unleashed by any business is to "invest once/5years to enjoy undeserved benefits in unlimited ways".
Thus, I conclude by saying that its strictly premature to assess the stability and sustainability factors of any organizational structures with parliaments and democracies as analogies.
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