Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Puddles versus Potholes

August Rains in New York

August Rains in Mumbai


Devpriya Dey said...

Great reflective pics!!! Does it reflect on our economy(BMW with bullock cart)! Does it reflect any HR implication & emerging HR trends!
By seeing these pics I remember those posters which the HR dept posts in communicating to employees, specially when they just put up THE PICS WITHOUT ANYTHING MENTIONED which rises the curiosity among the employees rather than the normal ones which employees tend to bypass thinking that "any ways if any thing important arises, it would be directed to their mail box."

Dr. Debashish (Deb) Sengupta said...

Engagement is holistic. One cannot be ignorant about what goes in an employee life outside the organization, the hardhsips that he faces, the ordeals that he has to go thrugh everyday just to reach his office and plan engagement programs. Mumbai and new York are two different worlds and hence engagement plans must account for that.
Thanks Dev for your cooments.
