Monday, September 3, 2012

Gen Y: The Reversed Happiness Quotient

Institute for Wellbeing Management, Bellevue University, Nebraska, USA, a non-profit consulting group on employee happiness, started a blog on Employee Happiness – tips, tricks & tools sometime back. They identified and involved 26 authors for writing invitational blog post every Sunday.

My first post for this blog – Gen Y: The Reversed Happiness Quotient has been published the Sunday Sept. 2, 2012. You can read the same here -

Please share my post with others if you like the same and post a comment should you feel like. I shall indeed be thankful.


Vishnu Raghavan said...

sirs comment and the model were quite interesting. alvin toffler predicted in one of his articles a decomposition of the family and its re emergence in new and weird forms. and the one factor that we find very amazing is the nature of social change. in an article that was centuries old Hegel had predicted that society is governed by a set of ideas, called a thesis which has its corresponding anti thesis. these parts seem to be analogous to the happiness determinants of gen x and gen y, with the latter being the antithesis of the former.
it was quite an illuminating and eye opening article

Dr. Debashish Sengupta said...

Thanks Vishnu. Your comments are very encouraging