Saturday, February 4, 2012

Blooming Flowers

There was a time when I used to study about flowers and what I learnt out of my limited forays is the way a flower shall turn out after blooming was not only dependent on the species or variety to which it belonged. The general environmental conditions played a huge role in determining the intensity of its colour, its volume, its shelf-life etc. For example, the commercial cut flowers that are grown at high altitudes, where the temperatures are much lesser, then those grown in plains, have darker colour shades, are more voluminous & have greater shelf life and hence fetch better price. Simply put, the value of the flower goes-up by the way it blooms.

Engagement also has similar effects. Greater levels of engagement help a talent to bloom much fuller and colorful, hence appreciating his/her value. And of course the talent lasts much longer in the organization and the organization outlasts it’s leaders.

As you rush towards the much awaited weekend I leave you with this beautiful video on the life of flowers. Enjoy…

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