Microsoft has launched an internal drive, called Garage, asking its staff to come out with unique ideas that could make life of women easier and simpler. Employees have been encouraged under this initiative to develop mobile apps exclusively for women. Teams, each comprising 2-3 employees, comes out with ideas that could be converted later into solutions – both standalone and those that could be intertwined into the enterprise applications. Shopping App, Immunization Tracker (that helps smart mothers keep track of their kid’s vaccination schedule) are some of the new apps on the horizon.
Engagement of employee through formation of ideation and innovation drives in the organization is one of the best forms of engagement. The sense of fulfillment and of contributing much more then one’s own work in a creative way has far-reaching consequences, both for the employee and the organization. Google developed many of its classic products, like Google News, in the same way. At a time when some companies in US are attracting new employees by encouraging them to become entrepreneurs and also proposing to fund their projects in future, innovation-involvement may be a good way to engage with the employees.
The catch is however that if culture of innovation does not prevail in a company, such engagement is next to impossible.